[illumos-Developer] Review 693

Igor Kozhukhov ikozhukhov at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 13:20:51 PDT 2011

Hi Gordon,

Thanks for your comments - will fix.

About CPPFLAGS and $(ROOT)/usr/include for some packages.
I have removed installed headers system/library/math/header-math from system
and some packages couldn't found installed headers to $(ROOT)/usr/include.
I think it is mistakes in packages and need investigate it and fix it - I'll

About $(SUBDIRS) - i386 and amd64 subdirs have different list of libs - i386
have one libmvec_hwcap1.so.1. I couldn't found solution how to provide
different list of targets to different subdirs. I have more the one lib.

I'll try to investigate how to do it better.
Maybe you can provide me example - maybe package where can I learn better

At this moment I have used LIBC as template and saved current LIBM

You can see all files - intel, sparc - I didn't remove some sources.

I have modified only Makefiles and resolved small compilation issues in

I don't have SPARC environment for testing and resolving compilation issues.

About manifests - I forgot added to HG repo before review.
I'll add to next review, thanks.

This integration have 4 manifests:

SUNWlibm.mf = sysytem-library-math-header-math.mf
SUNWlibms.mf = system-library-math.mf

A have found this example of comparison on OpenSolaris repo.

Best regards,

> From: Gordon Ross <gordon.w.ross at gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 15:48:57 -0400
> To: Igor Kozhukhov <ikozhukhov at gmail.com>
> Cc: "developer at lists.illumos.org" <developer at lists.illumos.org>
> Subject: Re: [illumos-Developer] Review 693
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 7:12 AM, Igor Kozhukhov <ikozhukhov at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> Please review : integration Sun Devpro Math Library to illumos tree (693)
>> http://igork.vlds.ru/nexenta/cr/illumos-693-webrev/
> usr/src/Makefile.lint
> This appears to be alphabetical, so please keep it that way.
> usr/src/cmd/lms/Makefile
> This part of the include path should come from $(ENVCPPFLAGS1)
> I you use CPPFLAGS += ... this should come in automatically.
> usr/src/lib/libsqlite/Makefile.com
>   ditto CPPFLAGS += ...
> usr/src/cmd/perl/skel/Makefile
>   If you must set INC=... here, you should use the appropriate
>   variables from usr/src/Makefile.master, i.e. INC=$(CPPFLAGS)
> usr/src/lib/Makefile
>   The first insert should be two lines later.
>   The second and third should be located to
>   keep those sections alphabetical.
> usr/src/lib/libm/Makefile
>   This is an unusual Makefile, doing the install work here,
>   instead of in the subdir (per-arch) Makefiles.  Why?
> usr/src/lib/libm/amd64/Makefile
>   Wow!  That's one LONG Makefile.
>   This could be shortened using pattern expansions...
> So, popping "up a level" for a second, where did all these
> come from?  Did you write them?  Or do you have diffs
> against some previous version of this code?  Were there
> sparc assembler files to match usr/src/lib/libm/src/i386?
> Also, as Alex Eremin commented, I'd suggest getting rid of the
> "src" directory level for new files matching these patterns:
>   usr/src/lib/libm/src/mvec/*
>   usr/src/lib/libm/src/C/*
>   usr/src/lib/libm/src/LD/*
>   usr/src/lib/libm/src/Q/*
>   usr/src/lib/libm/src/R/*
>   usr/src/lib/libm/src/complex/*
>   usr/src/lib/libm/src/m9x/*
> and for the following subdirs, I suggest moving:  (from, to)
>   usr/src/lib/libm/src/i386/amd64/       usr/src/lib/libm/ml/amd64/
>   usr/src/lib/libm/src/i386/common/    usr/src/lib/libm/ml/common/
> ("ml" for machine language, like under usr/src/uts)
> Are there packaging changes still to do?
> ( usr/src/pkg/manifest/* )
> Thanks,
> Gordon
>> What have been done:
>> 1. integrated LIBM to illumos build for intel i386 and amd64
>> 2. fixed compilation issues in packages for using headers from integrated
>> Package system/library/math/header-math
>>  with headers have been removed from system and build was using integrated
>> LIBM headers
>> This LIBM have been tested on OI-151 and NCP4.
>> This version of LIBM don't have libmtsk*

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