[illumos-Discuss] md aka svm aka lvm

Andre van Eyssen andre at purplecow.org
Sun Aug 29 19:42:33 PDT 2010

On Sun, 29 Aug 2010, Erik Trimble wrote:

> While I hate to hijack this conversation, but the relative merits (and 
> continued need) of SVM/UFS are well-discussed over on the 
> ZFS-discuss at opensolaris.org mailing list.  Look back the archives.

I think the conversation was done - DiskSuite stays (long live 
DiskSuite!). Debating stripe vs. concat is really a theoretical 
discussion for another time and place.

> On a similar note, I think we need to start a ZFS sub-group here (and, most 
> importantly, a mailing list) on IllumOS.

Hmm, not sure if we'd have enough traffic to justify a new list for 
ZFS-related work right now - it's not closed code and thus isn't pushing a 
high priority yet.

Andre van Eyssen.
mail: andre at purplecow.org          jabber: andre at interact.purplecow.org
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