[illumos-Developer] more & less

Garrett D'Amore garrett at nexenta.com
Sun Dec 5 16:29:53 PST 2010

On Mon, 2010-12-06 at 10:51 +1100, Andre van Eyssen wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Dec 2010, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> > That's a strange one.  less shouldn't have any external dependencies, so
> > I don't know why it wouldn't work in single user mode.  Can you describe
> > what actually happens when you try to use it.
> I've not run into less failing to run in single user mode, but it does 
> have heavier requirements in terms of a working terminal definition. more 
> will work even if you have no TERM set and is a lot friendlier on random 
> serial connections, etc.

less should work no matter what.  What I just saw in quick tests is that
less complains in a situation where the value of TERM doesn't lead to a
set of reasonable capabilities:

garrett at thinkpad{14}> env TERM=bogus /tmp/more /etc/release
WARNING: terminal is not fully functional
/etc/release  (press RETURN)

Once you press RETURN, it works.  One could argue that in "more" mode,
less shouldn't have that complaint.  If one specifies "-d", it won't
give it.  We could make that change in a local version. :-)

	- Garrett

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