[illumos-Developer] [illumos Mono Integration - Feature #210]

Gordon Ross gordon.w.ross at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 11:09:02 PDT 2010

Two things come to mind after reading this thread:

1: It appears we would do a better job helping people understand
what we believe does or does not belong in ON.  Or what is ON,
and what it is not; now and as we move forward.  If there's a place
that explains this, we could point people there each time this issue
comes up.  (which it seems to periodically)

2: It would be great if we had someplace to which we could direct
these projects wanting to get "into ON", so instead of just saying
"no" to integration, we could say "do it over there". I'm not sure
what alternatives we could suggest.  (just SFW, X, JDS?)

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