[illumos-Discuss] Proposed migration off Mailman

Bryan Horstmann-Allen bdha at mirrorshades.net
Sun Jul 17 02:39:08 PDT 2011

| On 2011-07-17 09:42:05, Nikola M. wrote:
| What is actually wrong with mailman?

It's annoying to admin. You can't search it. It loses messages. That last part
is kind of important. It's one more thing we have to deal with.

| Why should one want to move self-hosted in-house service backed by open
| source software it can control and enhance , to some company-owned
| closed proprietary SERVICE that is off-site and uncontrolled?

You answered your own question, but...

Because then we (the ops staff, the guys actually doing the work here?) don't
have to deal with mailman breaking, we don't have to deal with deliverability,
we don't have to deal with a snowflake email service.

| If we know exactly what is wrong with mailman and why mailing lists
| hosting should not stay in-house and inside project-controlled space,
| maybe that way mailman could be changed to work better.

Your assumption that open source software is superior for a purpose simply
because the code is available is grossly inaccurate. Especially when it comes
to mailing list software.

Unless you're offering to fix mailman, in which case I look forward to seeing
your fork on github.

| It is not only question in mailman versus some other app. (what other
| app is alternative for in-house mailing lists that you have in mind?)
| It is question of willingness to put main channel of the project
| communication in the hands of some greedy closed company that they could
| close it any day they like.
| Not for and not against.

Hm, calling them (well, us. I built the current infrastructure Listbox runs on)
a "greedy closed company" makes your stance pretty clear, "not for or against"

And as for "greedy" and "closed", I would recommend you look to see how many
email modules you might be using from the CPAN. Written or maintained by a
Pobox staffer? Yeah, we're a real greedy, closed, bunch...

I guess we shouldn't use the resources graciously offered by Joyent or
EveryCity either, using your logic.
cyberpunk is dead. long live cyberpunk.

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