April 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Apr 1 00:27:19 PDT 2011
Ending: Sat Apr 30 13:18:55 PDT 2011
Messages: 237
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Paul Armstrong
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Paul Armstrong
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Guido Berhoerster
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Guido Berhoerster
- [illumos-Developer] missing lwp_exit() in kcfpool_svc()
Bryan Cantrill
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 922 SUNWdtrt needs some love
Bryan Cantrill
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 915, compliments of Joyent
Bryan Cantrill
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 916, compliments of Joyent
Bryan Cantrill
- [illumos-Developer] New Redmine Instance For Testing
Joshua M. Clulow
- [illumos-Developer] missing lwp_exit() in kcfpool_svc()
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 844: m4 should say something useful...
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] missing lwp_exit() in kcfpool_svc()
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] missing lwp_exit() in kcfpool_svc()
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 844: m4 should say something useful...
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 844: m4 should say something useful...
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Intel nb5000 & intel_nhm memory mapping stuff
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 844: m4 should say something useful...
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: remove vestiges of libc_i18n.a
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] code review: 849 domain controller "hot fail over" can take forever
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] webrev:: 732 iSCSI IQNs should use org.illumos instead of com.sun
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 754 Build of illumos-gate fails with perl-5.10.0 as default perl
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: 878 regerror() error messages not i18n compliant
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: 707 sata framework is unsure of bitwise ops
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: 896 sata module can panic on smartctl issued in vbox
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] VERY short review --> #903
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] New Redmine Instance For Testing
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: trivial (add 2808 support)
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 922 SUNWdtrt needs some love
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 915, compliments of Joyent
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 915, compliments of Joyent
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 916, compliments of Joyent
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 939 SUNWdtrt needs to be willing to use 64bit java
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] linux <-> illumos toolchain availability.
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Fwd: code review: 910 mountall thinks smbfs filesystems are local (and 911, 913)
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Fwd: code review: 910 mountall thinks smbfs filesystems are local (and 911, 913)
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] hg.illumos.org/www.illumos.org migration
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 224 findunref build shouldn't fail if SCM can't be determined
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 967 beadm usage output lacks 'activate' command
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 967 beadm usage output lacks 'activate' command
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Location of libm sources.
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] issue 968 request for code review
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Changing sd_io_time to 8?
Garrett D'Amore
- [illumos-Developer] Changing sd_io_time to 8?
Ceri Davies
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
Jens Elkner
- [illumos-Developer] New Redmine Instance For Testing
Jens Elkner
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: 707 sata framework is unsure of bitwise ops
Richard Elling
- [illumos-Developer] Changing sd_io_time to 8?
Richard Elling
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 967 beadm usage output lacks 'activate' command
Alexander Eremin
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
Andrew Gabriel
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
Andrew Gabriel
- [illumos-Developer] sa_evict crash
Steve Gonczi
- [illumos-Developer] Fwd: code review: 910 mountall thinks smbfs filesystems are local (and 911, 913)
Robert Gordon
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Robert Gordon
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Robert Gordon
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Robert Gordon
- [illumos-Developer] New Redmine Instance For Testing
Bryan Horstmann-Allen
- [illumos-Developer] hg.illumos.org/www.illumos.org migration
Bryan Horstmann-Allen
- [illumos-Developer] hg.illumos.org/www.illumos.org migration
Bryan Horstmann-Allen
- [illumos-Developer] hg.illumos.org/www.illumos.org migration
Bryan Horstmann-Allen
- [illumos-Developer] Migrating www.illumos.org
Bryan Horstmann-Allen
- [illumos-Developer] Migrating www.illumos.org
Bryan Horstmann-Allen
- [illumos-Developer] DESIGN REVIEW & CODE REVIEW: 917, compliments of Joyent
Jerry Jelinek
- [illumos-Developer] issue 968 request for code review
Thomas Joy
- [illumos-Developer] issue 968 request for code review
Thomas Joy
- [illumos-Developer] Review for 166 CR6901979 error in xdr_float.c not fixed
Jason King
- [illumos-Developer] Review for 166 CR6901979 error in xdr_float.c not fixed
Jason King
- [illumos-Developer] linux <-> illumos toolchain availability.
Dan Kruchinin
- [illumos-Developer] linux <-> illumos toolchain availability.
Dan Kruchinin
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 808 developer tools should support mercurial 1.8
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] [GSoC] Win. message DLL compiler
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] missing lwp_exit() in kcfpool_svc()
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: remove vestiges of libc_i18n.a
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] code review: 849 domain controller "hot fail over" can take forever
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] [OpenIndiana-discuss] Greetings and question
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] [GSoC] libc: scalable malloc implementation
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] [GSoC] libc: scalable malloc implementation
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 754 Build of illumos-gate fails with perl-5.10.0 as default perl
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: 707 sata framework is unsure of bitwise ops
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 706 beadm should accept 'umount' as well as 'unmount'
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: 896 sata module can panic on smartctl issued in vbox
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: trivial (add 2808 support)
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 915, compliments of Joyent
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 939 SUNWdtrt needs to be willing to use 64bit java
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] Changing sd_io_time to 8?
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] issue 968 request for code review
Albert Lee
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Adam Leventhal
- [illumos-Developer] [GSoC] libc: scalable malloc implementation
Luca Longinotti
- [illumos-Developer] [GSoC] libc: scalable malloc implementation
Luca Longinotti
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 844: m4 should say something useful...
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 844: m4 should say something useful...
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: remove vestiges of libc_i18n.a
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 850 system(3C) and similar could just use /bin/sh
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 850 system(3C) and similar could just use /bin/sh
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 850 system(3C) and similar could just use /bin/sh
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 754 Build of illumos-gate fails with perl-5.10.0 as default perl
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 754 Build of illumos-gate fails with perl-5.10.0 as default perl
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 706 beadm should accept 'umount' as well as 'unmount'
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 922 SUNWdtrt needs some love
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 922 SUNWdtrt needs some love
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 915, compliments of Joyent
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 939 SUNWdtrt needs to be willing to use 64bit java
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 915, compliments of Joyent
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 916, compliments of Joyent
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 789, 905, 906, 908: Joyent dtrace changes, 940: JNI support for 905
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 789, 905, 906, 908: Joyent dtrace changes, 940: JNI support for 905
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 224 findunref build shouldn't fail if SCM can't be determined
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 224 findunref build shouldn't fail if SCM can't be determined
Richard Lowe
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Roland Mainz
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: 707 sata framework is unsure of bitwise ops
Roland Mainz
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
- [illumos-Developer] missing lwp_exit() in kcfpool_svc()
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] missing lwp_exit() in kcfpool_svc()
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] [GSoC] libc: scalable malloc implementation
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] [GSoC] libc: scalable malloc implementation
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 706 beadm should accept 'umount' as well as 'unmount'
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: 707 sata framework is unsure of bitwise ops
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] webrev:: 732 iSCSI IQNs should use org.illumos instead of com.sun
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: 878 regerror() error messages not i18n compliant
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] VERY short review --> #903
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 915, compliments of Joyent
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 916, compliments of Joyent
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 915, compliments of Joyent
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] Analyses for 915 and 916
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] DESIGN REVIEW & CODE REVIEW: 917, compliments of Joyent
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] sa_evict crash
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] Location of libm sources.
Dan McDonald
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 844: m4 should say something useful...
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 844: m4 should say something useful...
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 844: m4 should say something useful...
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 844: m4 should say something useful...
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 844: m4 should say something useful...
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Gary Mills
- [illumos-Developer] webrev:: 351 Khmer Unicode language Support.
Kartik Mistry
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 967 beadm usage output lacks 'activate' command
Kartik Mistry
- [illumos-Developer] webrev:: 732 iSCSI IQNs should use org.illumos instead of com.sun
Craig Morgan
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Andrey N. Oktyabrski
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Andrey N. Oktyabrski
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 850 system(3C) and similar could just use /bin/sh
Yuri Pankov
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Yuri Pankov
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Yuri Pankov
- [illumos-Developer] Fwd: [Urgend] Round eleven of code review for ksh93-integration+POSIX utility update3 ...
Yuri Pankov
- [illumos-Developer] webrev for #948: chmod(1M) is not -R friendly when doing ACLs
Yuri Pankov
- [illumos-Developer] webrev for #948: chmod(1M) is not -R friendly when doing ACLs
Yuri Pankov
- [illumos-Developer] Changing sd_io_time to 8?
Cyril Plisko
- [illumos-Developer] Review for 506 suspend/resume issue on b147 (6986810)
Hans Rosenfeld
- [illumos-Developer] [GSoC] Win. message DLL compiler
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 850 system(3C) and similar could just use /bin/sh
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 850 system(3C) and similar could just use /bin/sh
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 850 system(3C) and similar could just use /bin/sh
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] code review: 849 domain controller "hot fail over" can take forever
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] awk, nawk, oawk, ...
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] Round eleven of code review for ksh93-integration+POSIX utility update3 ...
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] Review for 166 CR6901979 error in xdr_float.c not fixed
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] webrev:: 732 iSCSI IQNs should use org.illumos instead of com.sun
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] webrev:: 732 iSCSI IQNs should use org.illumos instead of com.sun
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 754 Build of illumos-gate fails with perl-5.10.0 as default perl
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 706 beadm should accept 'umount' as well as 'unmount'
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] code review: 895 snoop lies about SMB errors
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: 896 sata module can panic on smartctl issued in vbox
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] code review: 895 snoop lies about SMB errors
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 706 beadm should accept 'umount' as well as 'unmount'
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] code review: 895 snoop lies about SMB errors (etc)
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] code review: 895 snoop lies about SMB errors (etc)
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] code review: 910 mountall thinks smbfs filesystems are local (and 911, 913)
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] webrev: trivial (add 2808 support)
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 922 SUNWdtrt needs some love
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] code review: 910 mountall thinks smbfs filesystems are local (and 911, 913)
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW -> Illumos 915, compliments of Joyent
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] Fwd: code review: 910 mountall thinks smbfs filesystems are local (and 911, 913)
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] Fwd: code review: 910 mountall thinks smbfs filesystems are local (and 911, 913)
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 789, 905, 906, 908: Joyent dtrace changes, 940: JNI support for 905
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 967 beadm usage output lacks 'activate' command
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] Code review: 742 Resurrect the ZFS "aclmode" property and 279, 664, 807
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] Webrev for bug 900: sed errors when -e is given a 0-length argument
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 224 findunref build shouldn't fail if SCM can't be determined
Gordon Ross
- [illumos-Developer] [GSoC] libc: scalable malloc implementation
Joerg Schilling
- [illumos-Developer] [GSoC] libc: scalable malloc implementation
Joerg Schilling
- [illumos-Developer] [GSoC] libc: scalable malloc implementation
Joerg Schilling
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 922 SUNWdtrt needs some love
Eric Schrock
- [illumos-Developer] [REVIEW] 922 SUNWdtrt needs some love
Eric Schrock
- [illumos-Developer] CODE REVIEW --> #935, sv_lyr_open() uses NULL pointers...
Michael Schuster
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 706 beadm should accept 'umount' as well as 'unmount'
Alexander Stetsenko
- [illumos-Developer] WEBREV 967 beadm usage output lacks 'activate' command
Alexander Stetsenko
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
River Tarnell
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
River Tarnell
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
River Tarnell
- [illumos-Developer] Integrating identd
River Tarnell
- [illumos-Developer] Beginner Question: How do I do a make clean ?
TJ Yang
- [illumos-Developer] webrev:: 732 iSCSI IQNs should use org.illumos instead of com.sun
Dmitry Yusupov
- [illumos-Developer] Location of libm sources.
- [illumos-Developer] Location of libm sources.
- [illumos-Developer] webrev:: 732 iSCSI IQNs should use org.illumos instead of com.sun
- [illumos-Developer] webrev:: 732 iSCSI IQNs should use org.illumos instead of com.sun
- [illumos-Developer] How to build individual illumos components
Last message date:
Sat Apr 30 13:18:55 PDT 2011
Archived on: Sat Apr 30 13:19:05 PDT 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).